Answers to Frequently Asked Questions


How do I register?

Register using the unique registration link within each description.

Our larger programs may require nomination or a formal selection process.

What is sponsorship and how do I secure sponsorship?

Securing sponsorship means that you have spoken with your leadership to ensure the session fee and time spent is approved.

You can drive the conversation using this email template outlining the details of your sponsorship request:

Windows Template | Mac Template

Managers: How do I approve a sponsorship request?

When you receive a learning sponsorship request, follow your standard process for budget approvals.

  • If you have autonomy to sponsor the cost, no further action is required.
  • If you need upline approvals, cascade upline as you would for any other business expense.

All fees for registered associates are charged back to the department -except Book Club. The cost of the book is expensed through Concur to your department.

How do I pay the session fee?

Once your or your associate is registered, there’s nothing more you need to do for payment. All fees for registered associates are charged back to the department.

One exception is Book Club – the cost of the book should be expensed through Concur to your department.

What can I expect after registering?

Single live session: You’ll often receive a confirmation email & calendar invite upon registration. Communications, if any are necessary, will be sent to all registrants close to the session date.

Larger programs: Due to the increased investment level of these programs, we review these rosters with department leadership to confirm nominations and sponsorship. Even with approval, it may take longer for you to receive invites as these programs typically run once or twice annually.

Tech licenses: You will be sent the information needed to access the platform.

Self-paced resources: These are designed for you to access and use without barrier or interference from Talent Development. Reach out if you experience any issues with access.

What should I do if I can no longer attend a session I’ve registered for?

For live sessions, open your calendar invite & select “Cancel Registration”.

There is no penalty for cancellations one week or more prior to the session. Registrations cancelled within one week of the session will still incur the session fee to your department.

In some cases, we may be able to transfer your registration to the same session held at a later date – reach out to [email protected] to request this option.


What types of sessions are available?

We offer an extensive array of sessions, including interactive workshops, personal assessments, panels, keynotes, coaching, book clubs, and observations. They vary in both topic and tone, from casual conversations to formal analysis to inspirational speeches.

Either browse and see what sparks your interst or determine what you’re looking for and use the filter or search function to narrow down your options.

What is expected of me within a session?

The purpose of all Enterprise Learning sessions is to fuel personal and professional growth by developing skills and broadening perspectives. As with most things, you will get out of the session what you put into it.

We recommend you engage with the content, interact with the facilitator and your peers, contribute when you can, keep an open mind, and welcome opposing views with healthy and respectful discussion.

How do I join a session I’ve registered for?

Upon registration, a calendar invite containing the Teams link will be sent to your email. Use that link to join the session at the appropriate date & time.

What should I expect after a session concludes?

You will receive a post-session survey for each session. There are three short questions and a request for additional comments. This will take <5 min, so please submit your feedback! We use the data and your comments in two ways:

  1. We can more effectively suggest the appropriate courses to other Associates looking for development in specific areas.
  2. When reviewing our current offerings and considering new ones, we can plan and provide training opportunities that better match the needs of Paycor Associates.

In some cases, you can also expect an email with any relevant resources and/or the session recording within a day or two of the session.

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