Strictly Speaking: Off the Cuff: Spontaneous Speaking

Sept. 24
3-4:30pm EST

Whether it’s an unexpected question, a request to offer your opinion, or a decision that needs to be made quickly, it’s often stressful to respond in the moment at meetings and other workplace events. You may be great at advanced preparation but the thought of impromptu speaking, especially at large meetings, throws you into panic.

The good news is there are many strategies you can employ to help you think better on your feet, and it’s possible to prepare for those moments when you need to think fast. This workshop is designed to help you practice techniques, reduce the stress, increase your confidence, and practice in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere.

  • Learn effective techniques for initiating small talk and increasing rapport
  • Ask effective questions to give yourself time
  • Practice bridging from question to answer
  • Organize your thoughts into segments
  • Practice answering with confidence and strength
  • Learn to master the Q/A
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