Ask Me Anything: Manager Panel

Sept 17
3-4pm EST
No Fee

This panel-style session hosts managers from across the business to provide their candid perspectives and feedback. AMA is a safe space to ask the tough questions and provide support to our people leaders in a fun way. If you aspire to be a manager, you’ll be exposed to issues leaders typically struggle with, and if you’re a seasoned manager, you’ll benefit from hearing how others evolved their leadership style, and innovate and experiment in nuanced situations.

Transparency and candor are the spirit of the AMA. However, these panels are more structured than what you’ll find on Reddit, with panelists reacting to a combination of moderator-prepared, registrant-submitted, and live questions.

Submit your questions for our experienced panel of leaders ahead of time here or live chat them during the session.

Recordings of past AMA sessions are available in the Enterprise Learning Showcase.

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